Skedco is on a mission to save more lives through innovative products and training techniques.

Skedco develops rescue solutions that help save lives.
Skedco is an American success story — a company built from the ground up through the passion, ingenuity, and dedication of one family. Our mission is simple: to use innovation, industry knowledge, and firsthand experience to develop rescue solutions that help save lives. When you invest in a Skedco product, you are getting the very best quality and design—equipment that’s been tested and proven.
We also understand that rescue equipment is only as good as the person using it. Therefore, we do everything we possibly can to train and educate.
When we say that Skedco is a family operation, we’re not kidding. Husbands, wives, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, cousins, and close associates all make up the administrative, operational, and manufacturing sectors of Skedco. But it doesn’t stop there. We care as much for our customers as we do about each other.
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